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Did you know that above the Gallery and Cafe there are two floors buzzing with activity every day of the year?

Once every year you can visit and view some of the wide variety of art created upstairs in over twenty studios. They comprise a range of talented makers, designers, and artists who are the FSC Studio Tenants.

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit them ‘at home’ on the 30th of November and 1st of December – a once-yearly event! You can browse the working studios, chat to the creatives and see what they do. There will be work for sale too – a chance to find a perfect original Christmas gift perhaps among the ceramics, paintings, upholstery, textile art, photography, illustrations, and more. The Studio Tenants look forward to welcoming you at Open Studios.

You can contact a creative at other times for a chat/appointment. Just ask in the Cafe for their details.

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