Fire Station Creative is a social enterprise in Dunfermline, Fife. All profits raised are reinvested in the property and its projects – so every cup of coffee sold goes to supporting the arts! So far – we are delighted to say that we are self-sufficient. Let’s keep it that way! Fire Station Creative was opened by John Byrne in July 2015. This iconic building was designed by James Shearer and built in 1934. The Fife Fire and Rescue Service relocated in 2010 and this extraordinary building had been lying empty since, a listed building on the ‘at risk register’.
It is currently owned by Fife Council, which has agreed to rent it at a peppercorn rate to the charity Fire Station Creative. Thanks to a dedicated group of local business people and artists and the generous support of Fife Council, Creative Scotland, The Roberston Trust, Fife Environment Trust, Barcaple Foundation, Community Union, and Educational Institute of Scotland, the facility is now open to the public and available for all things creative!
The Fire Station has served its people well over the years. The energy is alive in the building to this day.
Dunfermline itself is a city steeped in history and with a bright future!
This facility joins an impressive list that includes the 17th Century Abbot’s House as well as the stunning Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries which in turn overlook Dunfermline Abbey and Palace, the former home of kings. The philanthropist and entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie was born here and his life and times are celebrated in the Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum. On a more modern note, there are two vibrant theatres and a range of interesting music venues.
For more information about what’s going on in Dunfermline check out
Befriend our Facebook page or follow our tweets for new things as they happen.
Follow our Instagram for all that looks good and follow our YouTube channel to watch our latest interviews.
Sign up to our mailing list (at the bottom of the page) for monthly updates on everything and get involved.
We are never short of ideas for a wide range of things to do, be it maintaining the building or developing a creative project or holding events and seminars.
If you are interested in making a donation or supporting one of our projects please get in touch at [email protected].
We are keenly aware that we might be able to assist you to meet some of your own goals as a company or organisation so lets talk and tailor a package that will suit everyone involved!
Fire Station Creative is a charity, registered in Scotland SCO44226.
The renovation of the building and getting the facility set up has been achieved purely by grant funding and donations from a variety of sponsors and supporters.
We are very grateful for all the support that we have received from all sorts of people in all sorts of places.
Because of the hard work and determination of a number of individuals, Fire Station Creative is poised to bring creativity to the forefront of life in Dunfermline.

…or do something crazy and raise money for the arts! We have a Just Giving text account that you can donate through by texting FSCD01 and the amount £xx to 70070.
We will host at least 12 exhibitions a year. They will range from established artists to new starts but all of them will be inspiring. If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch to discuss ideas.
Many artists are in need of financial support to get their careers started and their creative concepts off the ground. If you would like to sponsor an artist or designer, please get in touch and we will try to find your perfect match.